become a partner
Become a partner of FourOneFour Events
We pride ourselves on being as local as possible and by providing the best promotional partnership experience.We have many sponsorship opportunities available, for both a monetary or in-kind contribution, including:
Photography Sponsor
Race Bib Sponsor
Finish Line Sponsor
Hydration Station Sponsor
Mile Marker Sponsors
Volunteer Sponsor, and more!
Many sponsorships are exclusive with unique benefits. Please reach out for our Media Kit & Sponsorship Packet. Some benefits can include:
Having your company's logo on every event photo that is available to participants for FREE, forever!
Finish line tent opportunity to promote your service/product at the event
Company logo on all participant race bibs with the opportunity to provide a promotion such as a BOGO, to drive business into your store
Company logo on Mile Marker, Water Station or Finish Line Signs along the scenic lakefront course
Provide free parking to all participants with your company logo on a minimum of eight (8) signs
Promos on the race website, social media and newsletters
Announcements of your company as a sponsor on race day
Sponsorships are negotiable, and if you have a unique idea on how you would like to get involved with the event, we would love to hear it!